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Popular Individual Lab Tests
Accurate Results, Better Health!" VIEW ALL
Full blood examination, Full blood cell count, Complete blood picture, FBC , CBP , FBE , TC , DC , TLC , Platelet count , CBC with Differential , CBC + Differential
This test included 21 tests
23% OFF
Hepatic function test, Liver panel test, Liver function panel, Liver profile test
This test included 11 tests
42% OFF
Thyroid Panel, TFT, Thyroid Function Test
This test included 3 tests
50% OFF
Lipid panel, Cholesterol profile, Fasting lipid profile
This test included 8 tests
33% OFF
FBG (Fasting Blood Glucose), Glucose - Fasting (F), Fasting Blood Sugar
This test included 1 tests
29% OFF
Glycated hemoglobin test, Hemoglobin A1c, Glycosylated Hemoglobin
This test included 1 tests
33% OFF
Microscopic urine analysis, Microscopic examination of urine, Urinalysis, Urine routine, Urine R/E, CUE (Complete Urine Examination), Urine Routine & Microscopy Extended, Urine Complete Analysis, Urine Routine Examination, Urine Examination, Routine
This test included 19 tests
33% OFF
RFT with Electrolytes (Renal Function Test with Electrolytes)
This test included 8 tests
29% OFF
Lab Test Combo Pack (Health Package Tests)
Complete Checkups, One Convenient Pack